9 Replies to “Reviews”

  1. I love my Vesuv windscreen. It makes cooking so much easier and is really good on fuel consumption. 5 out of 5 stars for sure!

  2. Toller kompakter Windschirm. Sehr leicht. Einfach einzurichten. Passt perfekt um meine Evernew-Töpfe. Würde es jedem Hiker empfehlen.

  3. I’ve been looking (and buying & testing) all sorts of lightweight cooking gear in preparation for my Camino walk. I found my VESUV windshield in the Prague Nalehko store. I’ve bought the Evernew 1,3l non-stick (166gr) + the VESUS Ti Windshield for this pan (32gr). After a lot of testing, I paired it with a Toaks alcohol stove (20gr). The whole set-up weighs 218 grams and works like a charm for me. With the Toaks alcohol stove boiling water is a bit slower than with other stoves, but the VESUV Ti windshield works really well in channeling the heat. So you have to wait a little longer but I wanted the best set-up for the least amount of grams.

    1. Hello D.
      trank YouTube die the Info. I am very interrested in this system. I wonder about the hight of the pot. Does it work with the Siphon? Or would you advise can-stoves?
      I am curious to hear.

      1. Dear Florian,

        Thanks for your question! The gap between the ground and the pot’s bottom is optimized for the Evernew alcohol stove. I know however that people use the Toaks Siphon alcohol stove too and it works also fine. I myself tried a can stove. Whatever stove you use, the use of the Vesuv windshield makes the working of it much more effective and reduces the heat losses dramatically. It is up to you to choose the stove you like. Eventually you can vary the gap between the stove and the pot’s bottom by digging a small hole in the ground under the stove to make the distance bigger or put something under the stove to get it closer to the pot. Nice project to do some experiments with at home before leaving for your track!

        Thore, Vesuv Outdoor

        1. How will the shield and pot work with a Trangia alcohol stove? Will the Trangia be too high?

          1. Hi Christian,

            I don’t know what height the Trianga stove needs, but I can tell you what the distances are between the ground and the bottom of the pot:
            Vesuv windshield for Evernew 1,3 l: 62 mm
            Vesuv windshield for Evernew 0,9 l: 54 mm
            Vesuv windshield for Evernew 0,6 l: 54 mm
            Vesuv windshield for Toaks 0,9 l: 56 mm
            Vesuv windshield for Toaks 0,7 l: 56 mm

            The Evernew stove is 42 mm high and works excellent with our windshields.

            Perhaps this will help you to judge, whether it will work or not.


  4. Hiked in the French Alps this past summer and brought my 8 Vesuv Titanium tent pegs. They are so light, it doesn’t make a difference in your load. Really ideal for hiking with your full pack on your back. Love them! Thanks!
    Martin, UK

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